Wednesday, April 8, 2009


so we watched the Passion last night, me and a whole lot of people who live on my floor and the floor below me. it was...i dont even know how to describe it. that movie leaves me speechless and just in awe. but we talked about it a little afterwards. it was great.

the tears of Mary, a mother, are my tears

[when they turned the cross over] the face of Jesus so close to the ground

when Jesus was speared in the side, it was Him pouring Himself out, physically to us, even in His death. His death did not stop Him from giving of Himself to us.

Lord, we come to you unworthy, but so grateful. You gave of Yourself completely. Teach me how to give of myself to each other as You have given Yourself to us. Teach me to embrace my crosses as You embraced Yours. Let me love as You do.

Meditations on the Passion

This is my body
This is my blood
For you
This is my love for you

If you had but one sin
I'd give my body
Give my blood
This is my love for you

Abandon me in prayer
Betray me with a kiss
Deny me in the couryard
I give my body
Give my blood
This is my love for you

Accuse me
Bear false witness
Charge me
Spit on me
Mock me
Strike me
I give my body
Give my blood
This is my love for you

Scourge me
Crown me
Hold the hammer in your hand
Drive a nail into mine
I give my body
Give my blood
Give my life
This is my love for you