friday night father steve our spiritual leader asked us to think about all the moments we have had this trip. he then said to let them perculate and be ready to tell the group when we felt the Holy Spirit and why.
hearing the song Do Not Be Afraid at catechesis
watching a Mexican group perform the Lifehouse Everything skit incredibly
seeing Mary hold her son Jesus at the foot of His cross at the re-enactment of stations
getting amazing advice from priests during confession
singing in the streets with hundreds of thousands of other catholics
seeing the pope when he drove by
seeing the pope again for the all night vigil
the all night vigil with candles and bendiction and freezing restless sleep
seeing the pope again when he said mass for us
listening to everyone in the group share their own expiriences
making new friends
beign able to randomly go up to someone and ask them where they are from and have a conversation
hearing hundreds of thousands of people sing the theme song
hearing just our group sing the theme song
laughing hysterically at dinner with friends
hearing the pope laugh
being at a concert in an entertainment center rocking out and then having a bishop walk in with the Blessed Sacrament and seeing thousands drop to their knees
waiting. all the time. even for two hours just to get off a street. but no one complains (too much)
seeing all the beautiful sights and creation that is here.
really puffy chickens.
Blue Mountains.
this is awesome.