Friday, July 4, 2008

The First

Yes, i have decided to jump on the blog bandwaggon! I thought it might be kinda cool for when im in australia (7 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!) so im starting now.

i think i need to explain my title.

for the essays we wrote in english class i would flip through the book the essay was about and find a phrase that sounded good as a title. so i grabbed a book off my shelf (Edgar Allen Poe Selected Works) and flipped through. i didn't even read the sentence, just the phrase "assembly of phantasms" popped out at me (from the story The Masque of Red Death). I looked up the word phatasm and most definitions are about appartions or ghosts, but i did like these two definitions.

a creation of the imagination or fancy; fantasy
In Platonic philosophy, objective reality as perceived and distorted by the five senses

im not sure what i will end up putting/writing up here, but i think it will fall under the categories of creation of imagination and perception of objective reality.

plus i really like the way "assembly of phantasms" sounds.

Happy Fourth!


Patrick said...

Welcome to the blogging world! =D I think your title is appropriate and quite nice. Also, I'm looking forward to reading about Australia.

p.s. Your blog is green. Really green. I thought you'd might like to know

Anusia said...

thanks for the welcome! yea, we'll see if i can motivate myself to keep it updated!

what can i say? i like green :)

Meg said...

YAAAYYY! you have a blog!!!!!!!! :D :D :D